Oakleaf DC does not dedicate charitable donations to social events, which are funded directly by participating Oakleaf members.
New Spouse Orientation
Held annually in June, this one-day event welcomes new spouses to Walter Reed-Bethesda, allows them to connect with other medical spouses, and features multiple speakers from the hospital and The Oakleaf Club to give an extensive introduction into the many resources available. Topics include, but are not limited to: Fleet and Family Support Center; Military Resources and Discounts; Morale, Welfare, and Recreation; and an introduction to Tricare. Then, everyone is welcome to attend and get to know each other further at a social afterward. (Child care is provided for the duration of the event.)
Cocktails and Questions
This event is held in the summer of each new year. This is a great way for new PCS families to ask questions about our program, find out what we do, and ask anything about their new military station. Also a great time for our established families here at Walter Reed to share any insight on things they think might be helpful for newcomers in the area.
Garden Party
Oakleaf’s annual meeting is held each year in September at the home of one of our supporting advisors. This Welcome Reception is our hallmark event that launches the Oakleaf year and is open to all Medical Corps, Medical Service Corps, Nurse and Dental Corps Officers and their spouses.Touring Oakleaf
You will be able to find out what every chair and board position does during this event. A great opportunity for current members that might be interested in taking on a larger role within our organization, or people who might be interested in becoming a member the following year.Monthly Social Events
Other monthly events are held throughout the year and advertised in our newsletter and social media. Other active Oakleaf programs include: Book Club, and Professional Development and Networking.